I always wonder if other bike racers experience the same anxiety as do I at the first race of the year. You'd think that after 8 years of competition in well over 100 organized events and as many training races I'd be over it; and for the most part once the first few big races of the season are out of the way I am. The fear I have is not of the race itself; certain pain, potential injury, inclement weather, possible humiliation. My fear is that I will fail myself. That at some point in the race I will tell myself that finishing on the podium or high-up doesn't really matter, and stop fighting. Fear that a loss of will to hold on to the wheel in front of me will somehow diminish my passion for life and my drive for success in other important endeavors. Fear that a poor performance is an indication of age and that I will finally have to accept that getting older (almost 45 years this season) means that I can no longer be competitive with younger athletes. Fear that if I can no longer win or do well in races, I may no longer be motivated enough by the fun, camaraderie, and recreation alone to continue to participate in the sport that I have chosen to define who I am and that makes my life so rich. Paradoxically these fears are some of the very things that drive me to train, race, and thus continue to be competitive year after year; that basically ensure that none of these fears become reality. So bring it on Paris-Ancaster. You want some of this?