Elation! I scored not only 1st in the Expert 40-49 group, but as the 1st Expert overall on last night's race; the last of RVE's Farmall Hill Spring Series. The win also gave me the series title. The course had some modifications this Spring from previous seasons, and my time last night now stands as the fastest on the new course. I'll enjoy that honor while I can, since it will no doubt get whittled down in races yet to be run on it. I finished in 1:07:00, exactly 3 minutes ahead of the next Expert crossing the line behind me, and shaving a whopping 0:04:25 off my previous week's time. Won a nice medal, enjoyed the post race party with fellow racers, and scored a great pair of pink Specialized optics, pictured below, in the raffle. I had my choice of picking what might be deemed more masculine colors, but the hot pink ones just seemed to go so nice with the flames coming out of my legs last night.
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