Or so it would seem. Fact is, I have indeed been riding all summer. Life changes have just been keeping me too occupied to post. Now that it's getting cold, and the pace is slowing, I'll try to post a bit more actively once again. The photo below is from a ride I did on October 21st up on McIntyre's Bluff, just East of Fair Haven State Park.

The video below is my first attempt, the results of which I'm quite pleased with. I filmed it in short clips with a tiny Casio EX S600 camera, and pieced it together with some very simple software that was included in the box. Cool! I shot the video just last Sunday, during the course of one of my lake shore excursions. Some of the scenes in the video are from the same bluff where the photo, above, was taken. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did making it. I definitely plan on doing more of these.
If you'd like to see more, please give me a thumbs-up by clicking and leaving a comment following this post, below.