I would like to express a huge congratulations to my racing sponsor, the
Geneva Bicycle Center, for making the Bicycle Retailer and Industry News list of top 100 retailers in the United States for 2007! Recipients are selected based on elements of market share, community outreach, and store appearance. Along with his crew owner Jim Hogan, pictured above at the helm in the control room, have built the finest bike shop to be found certainly in the
Finger Lakes Region of New York, if not the entire state. I say this in all sincerity. Jim and his top notch staff are like a family of riders representing many aspects of the sport; recreational, competitive, and utilitarian. They excel and pride themselves on their custom design, fitting expertise, and extensive service department. I can tell you that the latter is no joke. Jim is not afraid to stock repair parts inventory. What's that? Hard to find part? A left-hand threaded cranstor you say? They got 'em. Right-hand thread, left-hand thread, Italian thread, even
Dave's Custom Cranstors for those hard to fit applications!
If you're in or near Geneva, NY take the time to visit Jim's store on Exchange Street and check out one of the most unique staircases you'll ever see. Be sure to tell 'em the Champion sent you. The staircase leads up to the newly remodeled second floor edition, and features spindles made from over 100 bicycle top tubes supporting the hand rails. Some of these tubes are from very high-end carbon and titanium rigs, and were actually extracted from still living bikes in now outlawed ritual sacrifices to the gods of anaerobia while zombie-like european podium girls chanted and danced in a state of entrancement. Geneva Bicycle Center is also home to the only titanium/carbon fiber rear triangle toilet paper holder east of the Mississippi. If you happen to be in need of a good bowel movement while you're there, be sure to check it out. See how it
softens out the ride, yet
wipes out the competition with all the
explosive responsiveness you'd demand of such a high-end racing machine!
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